Along a way, he also has to rescue Amy Rose, an innocent young hedgehog who has been captured by Metal Sonic, a powerful robot created by Eggman to exceed the hedgehog's own powers. Eggman invades this planetoid to acquire the Time Stones hidden there and control time itself, it is up to Sonic to prevent the doctor from achieving his evil plans and save Little Planet from a dystopian future under the scientist's control. The title is best known for its time travel feature, in which levels are divided in several time frames that can be explored and feature unique secrets.Ī sequel to the original Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog CD is set on the mystical Little Planet, which is known to make an appearance over the earth once a year. Sonic the Hedgehog CD ( ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ CD シーディー, Sonikku za Hejjihoggu Shīdī ?), commonly known as Sonic CD ( ソニック CD シーディー, Sonikku Shīdī ?), is a 2D platformer game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series that was developed and published by Sega. Sonic the Hedgehog, Japanese box artwork Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others.